Wednesday, December 17, 2008


难得伶伶回来了,有不知道什么时候又可再见,于是我们就约在The Curve 的Red Box唱K.

我们订了K-Lunch的,原以为是3个小时,但是我们由11点唱到12:30pm,就有服务生告诉我们last call 了!原来,我们只能唱到1pm啊!怎么搞的? 之后问问朋友,才知道,原来是我们的人数没过3个,所以就只有2小时。但是,我不清楚我朋友说得是不是咯~
算了,还好它的食物不错~ 不知道是不是当时我肚子饿了。

当天,我又迟到了!Sorry ar ~.~



那团饭不知道为什么,那么的香~ 鸡肉也不会硬硬的,酱料也好好味道!哇,真是~





K 箱太暗,难免“摄影师”的手抖一抖就会酱~






Ikano 也有好漂亮的圣诞装饰~



我们原本选了一部《Transporter 3》的,但竟剩下前面3-4排。
想说太前了,于是就选另一套《Body of Lies》,由Leonardo D.C. 主演的。




Wednesday, December 10, 2008



1. 题目:一邊...一邊...

2. 题目:其中

3. 题目:陆陆续续

4. 题目:难过

5. 题目:又...又...

6. 题目:你看

7. 题目:欣欣向荣

8. 题目:好吃

9. 题目:天真

10. 题目:果然

11. 题目:先...再... (例题:先吃饭,再洗澡。)

12. 题目:况且


Tuesday, December 2, 2008


昨晚 12月1日,月亮笑了!


“手机咯~ 红灯还没转绿,我慢慢开”

说完,绿灯咯~ 车慢慢移动。





Wednesday, November 26, 2008


=.=" 我公司真的有派人去哦!好怕下个是我,哇唛~~

在我很紧张的问一问后,才知道是 Company Trip 啦!~ 唔讲好好,吓到!
虽然,峇厘岛喔~ 很心动的咯!

哎呀,妈妈那天还一直一直的提醒我,我还 lik lik 酱答应陪她去阿姨那里过夜的。

怎知,今早同事告诉我,已经 CONFIRM 下星期四了!而且就要订机票了。
“去啦,不要紧的!” “是咯,去啦,阿姨那里我跟她讲!”
情绪突然好起伏,加上昨晚 “钱不够用II”的画面又浮现...


还有一件事,这将会是我第一次搭飞机~ 哇!怕怕!



Tuesday, November 25, 2008


“你就像一部喜剧!” 被这样一说,有种被称赞的感觉。心中第一个念头就是,我带了欢笑给人。




Monday, November 24, 2008






Tuesday, November 18, 2008


今天,我读了一篇朋友的 forward email..读完后,觉得好贴心。原来,“爱”这个字在小朋友的心中是如此的可爱,如此的直接,就能深深地打动我们的心。我是觉得好感动,你们呢?

A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 - 8 year-olds.
What does 'LOVE' means?
The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined.

' When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore.
So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love. ' -- Rebecca - age 8
*ca 言 :好甜蜜吧!*

' When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth. ' -- Billy - age 4
*ca 言 :你们是这样的吗?*

' Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other. ' -- Karl - age 5
*ca 言 :可爱到半命!*

' Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them five you any of theirs. ' -- Chrissie - age 6
*ca 言 :这就是大人口中的“牺牲”?还是“任劳任怨”?你身边那位是这样吗?*

' Love is what makes you smile when you're tired. ' -- Terri - age 4
*ca 言 :累了,你会笑吗?还是将疲倦和烦恼都带回家,向关心你的家人或另一半发泄?心中若有爱,笑吧!*

' Love is when my mummy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK. ' -- Danny - age 7
*ca 言 :哈哈,突然想起我妈妈,每一次煲汤或煮菜,都会试一试,如果不好吃,就会不开心~*

' Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk more. My Mummy and Daddy are like that. They look gross when they kiss ' -- Emily - age 8
*ca 言 :热恋中,大家爱上了吻!当吻累了,或吻腻了,会不会物色另一张唇?*

' Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen. ' -- Bobby - age 7
*ca 言 :这好有趣!对你的另一半,你有在听吗?*

' If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate. ' -- Nikka - age 6 (we need a few million more Nikka's on this planet)
*ca 言 :6 岁小孩竟然有这种想法,佩服~ 那我也是不是应该爱爱衰神?*

' Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday. ' -- Noelle - age 7
*ca 言 :这让我会心一笑,的确,虽然可爱,但如果他这样做,我会很开心~证明他在乎。^.^*

' Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well. ' -- Tommy - age 6
*ca 言 :朋友之间的爱,你会忘了吗?*

' During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling.

He was the only one doing that. I wasn't scared anymore. ' -- Cindy - age 8
*ca 言 :当我们进入社会后,你有没有忘记了当年爸爸妈妈在身边保护关怀的那感觉?爸爸妈妈,我爱你们。*

' My mummy loves me more than anybody.
You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night. ' -- Clare - age 6

' Love is when Mummy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken. ' -- Elaine - age 5
*ca 言 :爸爸对妈妈的爱,看在小孩的眼里,无意间形成了小孩对爱的了解。*

' Love is when Mummy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford. ' -- Chris - age 7
*ca 言 :就好像你的另一半肥了,你都不停说,“怎么不吃多点,你好瘦!” 哈哈!*

' Love is when you puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day ' -- Mary Ann - age 4
*ca 言 :Lily, see! Elmo so LOVE you !! *

' I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones. ' -- Lauren - age 4
*ca 言 :无言。。哈!*

' When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you. ' (what an image) -- Karen - age 7
*ca 言 :小孩对爱的憧憬。*

' Love is when Mummy sees daddy on the toilet and she doesn't think it's gross. ' -- Mark - age 6
*ca 言 :Oh my god~*

' You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget. ' -- Jessica - age 8
*ca 言 :好成熟~ 今天,你说 “我爱你” 了吗?别忘了也对爸爸妈妈说一声~*

And the final one -- Author and lecturer Leo Buscaglia once talked about a con test he was asked to judge. The purpose of the con test was to find the most caring child.

The winner was a 4 year old child whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife. Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman's yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there.

When his mother asked what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said,
' Nothing, I just helped him cry '
得第一的4岁小孩,“爱”的很真~ 他坐在邻居的旁边哭着,胜过很多各式各样安慰的话语。当我们越长越大,忘了“爱”的真谛!“爱”不单单存在于另一半,其实“爱”是无所不在。当一个人觉得一无所有时,就是最想拥有爱的时候。这帮可爱的小鬼头,教会了很多很多大人,


Thursday, November 13, 2008

戟のLumix DMC-FZ28



来,另一个 clear view ~


替它装上太阳花遮遮~ Sorry, 我不是pro的,所以不知道那个遮遮叫什莫名字!

Function 多多的它,把我搞晕了!

最后,要感谢 Sony T-200 妞不嫌弃的拍下将来是它对手的 Lumix 仔!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Drying Little Bebe

Little bear bear was putting into washing machine one day.........

After that......

Yea yea...Drying...Hang On ar! Bebe... you will be 香香 after that~

Thursday, November 6, 2008


最近一直遇到衰神!讨厌死了。尤其是某某SUNG的电器customer service,搞得我连早餐都失去胃口!事情是这样的...

不爽No 1:为什么没有人通知我,而要等到我call去才知道其实一切已经ready?

接下来,星期六下午12时左右,我就到那里去拿HardDisk。当时很多人,我拿了号码就静静的等待,期待着我的Harddisk的归来。等着等着,大概都等了有45分钟,终于到我了。我去到那个counter,就告诉她我要拿回我的Harddisk。她看也没有看我一眼,就拿起电话筒按着号码,就对着电话的另一方说,“Where are you? Going back already? O, then nevermind. Ok.!”
“你下次来拿Harddisk之前,可以先打个电话给他,叫他把Harddisk拿来这里。” 我还来不及讲话,她又继续,“你要在weekday时来,然后不可以在LunchTime。”


不爽No 2 : 当初是你们告诉我,我随时可以去拿回Harddisk,也没有告诉我要和所谓的负责人“预时”。在我等了那么久,竟告诉我今天拿不到Harddisk。

不爽No 3 : 这还不够,还要我“亲自”打电话联络所谓的负责人!

不爽No 4 : 更搞笑的是,身为顾客的我,还要我follow所谓负责人的工作时间,要在Weekday和LunchTime以外的时间才可以去领取Harddisk。那么我要不要特地请假一天呢?

“噢,这样我给你那天就职的人的名字,你可以跟她们拿。”然后又在纸上写下两个人的名字,Miss Yap 和 Aini。

到了下个星期六,的确同一个时间,我回到那里。 和那天一样,有很多人。当天有两个就职的人,应该就是Miss Yap 和 Aini。 他们分别都在招待着顾客。为了不打扰她们,我就问另一个对着电脑的工作人员,告诉她我要找 either Miss Yap or Aini。他指一指其中一个counter的女人,就说那是Miss Yap。她也抬头看着我,我就向她说明要找她拿回我的Harddisk。
她也没有了解情况,就丢了一句,“Take the number first!”
她看也没有看我,又丢同一句话,“Take the number first!”

哇,没错,如果我是来拿Harddisk, 还是做起他的事,是应该拿号码等候的。但现在这个情况不一样,第一,那天我的的确确是拿了号码等候啊!难道因为某某Sung的失误,要我再次浪费另一个45分钟?再加上,上次我没法领回我的Harddisk的确是他们的失误,是他们通知我可以去拿,但去到竟没拿成,对这个,我也忍气吞声了。这次到回来,竟又遇到这样的遭遇!

如果,那个窜窜的Miss Yap要我等她serve完了她的顾客后再拿给我,那我当然不会那么生气。毕竟那位顾客是服务到一半,对这我当然明白。但她并没有这样做,简直就想 ignore 我。还大大声地说,“Take the number first!” 那里的顾客肯定是认为我打jim。唉!

我很无奈的去拿号码,哇,还要等多6个人。这时,戟走进来。戟知道这件事后,也很生气。戟直接站在counter前,双眼狠狠地刮着MissYap。Miss Yap 依然摆出让人看了想吐的表情。等到另一个counter的顾客走后,戟就向前问那个customer service的马来人,应该就是Aini了。Aini 二话不说的转身,在离counter不远的柜子里拿出了我的Harddisk,交给戟。就这样,我们就可以走了。

不爽No 5 : MISS YAP !! No COMMENT!!

..Cleaning Dust..

My diary stopped! Busy day..Lazy night..Now my diary covered by spider web~

Swept Swept !! GONE AWAY~~

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

..KidAuLt LanGuaGe..

Recently I started to talk nonsence.. Err..not the content of my conversation, is my pronunciation..Others may not understand what I'm talking about, because my pronunciation is senget!! It mixed up Mandarin + Cantonese + Hokkien + English(bit).. Sometimes it is just simply mandarin but in alphabetic, which most of the time confusing people..

However, I would love to share those saying...It's cute actually..haha..

1. Da ni !!!
(打你, beat you)
2. Zho mok?
(做什么, what you doing? or why?)
3. O Dut zi ott ott
(我肚子饿饿, I'm hungry) This one trapped everyone except me, of coz..
4. iao Chuiitt Shen mok !!??
(要吃什么, what you want to eat ar?)
5. Tan Chuiittt Guii
(贪吃鬼, eat lover..err..seems a bit polite..ha)
6. .....(more to come)

Those who are reading my blog and have my MSN, sure will understand my MSN message next time !..

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Everyday, I need to take about 45 minutes to reach office from LRT station. Listen, is from LRT station, not from my place. Every morning, I take PUTRA to Masjid Jamek. It will take me around 20 minutes to reach. By the way, sometimes it was speed all the way. After reach Masjid Jamek, another 5 minutes walk from station to STAR station. The walk way inside Masjid Jamek station is lack of aircond once in a while, which will cause me feeling dizzy and kinda want to vomit! The air was so "fresh"..>.<" Today, the light at the walk way was burned i think. A part of it was in dark, luckily there is a lot of people around. Will it fixed later at night?

After reach STAR, another 5 mins to reach the station. Get off from LRT, another 10 minutes morning walk! Phew~ A good exercise in the morning, my dad said I become thin now.. The problem now is, after work! Same thing I needed to do after work, but of cause in reverse mode. When I reach the place I waited for J, my stomach started to "grruu~". Food fantasy come across my mind most of the time..Especially the CURRY YU DAN (Curry fishball). Oh my god..!!

AND, especially after work, many people are taking LRT at the same time~ For me, the most suffering part is at Masjid Jamek station. Everyday, many lines are queued, waiting for the next train. I rather taking myself a seat at aside, waiting for a train with lesser people onboard. So, most of the time, I will wait and wait..Sometimes, my judgement was wrong. When I get on the train, suddenly some guys or gals will JUMP in kiasu-ly. Then I become one of the ingrediant of train sardin~

There is once, I was standing just by the door. When the train reach another station, I stepped out with my hand still holding the handle, in order to let other passenger to go out. Who knows ar, there is a kiasu gal, stepped inside, standing my place! I stared at her, she rolled her eyes over me and looked to other side, trying to ignore me, and also my hand! Alarm is ringing, warning the door is going to close. My hand just release the handle, and let that gal squeeze inside the train..Other ppl beside her was looking at her as well, but how? What to do? She was so RUSH~ Luckily I didn't stepped on her feet and get back to that train (as what I wanted to do that time). Because, the next train reach just after few seconds, without looked like sardin container~ So I got up and have a relax trip on train~..This small story in my life, giving me a lesson -- "Learn how to let go, because you wouldn't know, there is a better something awaiting for you~"

Monday, May 12, 2008


Yesterday, I came back by bus from my hometown. Actually, I was lucky as the bus I ride is a new bus with new chair, new curtain, clean environment, cold air con, well-designed light..Everything was quite comfortable for me..

That day, only a few passenger on the bus. A gal who was supposely sit beside me, was move her butt to another seat. So, I was sitting all by myself. It was peace all the way until some sounds came from my back seat..

One Malay uncle who was also sitting all alone, was ah-chiewing and sneezing.. I understand that when these stupid bacteria intruding our nose, we get tired and annoyed. So as I said, that uncle started to kick my seat 'unaccidentally', pull the chair beside my seat and hold within his arm, and 'sss...ffff...' loud sneezing sound, which some of the times mix with RUDE malay words..

I started to scare the bacteria will flew towards me..I tried to cover myself using my beg and dare not to fall asleep....

Finally, the bus was nearly reach Pudu..Suddenly, I felt the window curtain beside me was pulled by someone..So I turned over my head, and.......

OH MY GOD!!! I saw something .. Something.. Very geli and disgusting!!!

He was using the curtain to MOP HIS WATERY NOSE (nasal mucus) !!!!

Eakkk..luckily i was nearly reach..if not.. *.* vomit!!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

..Day at Home..

Last time I used my hp and took some photo on my daddy mummy's baby..See see..

Nice? hehe..


As usual in the morning, we were listening to 988. Today, they were discussing on the research done by England on "CIVILITY" issue. According to the research, there are TOP 5 discourteous manners:

Top 5th: Seldom use of respectful title in the conversation like 'Sir, Mdm, Please..'.
Top 4th: Talk to the handphone in LOUD voice.
Top 3rd: CUT Queue..
Top 2nd: Frequent use of RUDE WORDs.
TOP 1st: SPIT around in public.

Hmm..actually in our country or we just look around the people around us, we really can take a sight of these manners. Let's me share with u some little stories..

Story 1
I was buying 麻辣鱼旦 near Lowyat one night. While I was waiting the guy pack for me, suddenly, one Indian gal elbowed her way over to where I stood and caused me nearly lost my balance. I stared at her but she didn't notice me. Without waiting for her turn, she kia-su-ly yelled, "I WANT THIS.." Oh my god, is YELLED ler!!

"Oh, this one finish liao!!"... saying the gal inside the stall.
Wohoho.."GOOD GOOD!! Dai sei dai sei.." said deep inside my heart.

"YOoo..Finish? How come... Jut.." After saying this word, she turned her back and accidentally hit me again. I looked at her, she like 'Jut..', showing her lansi face, then continue walked out from the crowd..

Geram...Beh tahan...

Story 2
One day at Carl's Jr, after we have ordered food, we looked for a seat..So crowded that time and we can't find anyone leaving their seat. After a short while, we saw a family was packing their thing and going to leave. J was walking towards the seat. Before J can reach the seat, there was another chinese gal from the counter walking towards the seat as well..When J saw the gal, J looked at that gal. But that gal like very 'kia-su', without looking at J then throw her butt on the sofa of the seat. She don't even want to look at us, like saying 'So what, I sit FIRST!'

Then we can't do anything but look for other place. We were feeling quite uneasy to the attitude of that gal. That gal continue used her back face to us until her boyfriend finished taking order from the counter and walked towards her. Maybe her bf saw the scenario just now, we saw her bf asked her to sit at another seat. Unwillingly, she moved her butt out of the seat.

Now, the seat was empty and both of us took it. We can see the gal's face was really 'smelly'..

Again, stories finished. However, there were still a lot same kind of stories going on in different places everyday every minutes.. Good Luck !!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

..Something Gone Wrong in My Eyes..

To certify my blurness, let me tell u 3 stories..

Story 1
Long long time ago, when I was in primary school..I was having tuition in my english teacher's house. That day, me and a bunch of little kids (of coz that time I was kid as well)..playing and waiting for our parent to fetch us.. After a while, a proton saga reach..

'Yeh..Daddy finally come liao..' yelled inside my heart..
In pace, I 'ran' to the car, opened the door and put my butt in.. When I looked at the driver, eh, daddy ler? ...
'Arr...' before he can finish his word, I fai fai chui said, 'Sorry Sorry..!!!'..
Then faster opened the door and put my butt out..When I ran back, I saw the "car owner's son" was looking at me, then laughed at my stupidious...I can feel my face was in heat..

Story 2
Not long ago, I was waiting my friend's car to come at lrt station. I have a long time didn't meet him..He was stucked in traffic jam that time. I have waited him for about 30 mins but he yet no showed up. I was standing beside the road. Suddenly, one dark gray wira drove in and parked in front of me. No one come out from the car and 2 gals at the back seat were looking at me.

A thought flew into my mind, 'Will it be his car? He didn't mention on who will come with him to fetch me..' I was dimly standing and looking into the car again. Why 2 gals keep on looked at me geh?
'Oh!! Must be my fren lar..Ok Ok..'
So, I took a pace and tried to open the door. 'My fren' unlocked the car door and I opened the car door. The 2 gals moved their buttock to another side. I took my seat and closed the door.
'So jam ar..??' When I looked into 'My fren', ee? He fat jor? Wwaaiiiitt!!! Who is he??
After stony for few seconds, I rolled my super blurry eye at the gals sitting beside. All of 'my frens' were glared at me..
'Oh gosh, oh gosh..!!' Screamed inside my heart!!
'Sorry Sorry..' In a hurry..I jumped off the car and stood back at previous place.
Yerrr..people around me are looking at me freakly..Why this person jumped in and jumped off the car ??
When my fren finally reached, he was scolded by me..wahaha!!

Story 3
One morning, I was going to bank with J. J was sitting in the car and waiting me outside the bank. When I finished my stuff, I walked out from bank and go towards J's car. I jumped in the car and mummured at the people crowds inside the bank.
'Xiu jie, lei hai mm hai sheong cho che?' (English: Halo, are you on wrong car?)
Eeeiii...Looked at him, again, 'Sorry, sorry'..
Jumped out the car, looked for J's car, walked toward and jumped in. J's car was actually parked behind that car..J didn't realize I was jumped into other's car just now. When I told J, J laughed at me so loud!! And of coz started lecture me...
'See see..Always so blur..How many times u did that liao ar? blah blah blah..'

Stories finished..How do you think? Hahah...BLUR!!!!

..Blue Sky..

Most of the time, I was driving thru KL-Putrajaya highway..
One day, I have a sudden whim to shoot down the view when I was driving..

Friday, April 11, 2008

..Nine Cup Chicken..

Yesterday nite..
J asked, "Where you want to eat ar??"
"Donno, but I was very very hungry..Although I eat alot this evening..!! "
"Then u hungry U think where to eat lar.."
"Errrr...I donno, but I wan to eat hot hot spicy spicy de..."

After ask n answer, ask n answer for a moment, J suddenly said,
"How bout we go to The Garden there..Neh, the chinese restaurant which we can order one set for ourselves de..."
"Ohh...Gud gud..I wan to eat that '九杯鸡' (Nine Cup Chicken) !!!"


err? I still blur blur...

Then J said, " Is 三杯鸡lar...!! " Continue laughing...
J said again, "Later you tell the waitress you wan 九杯鸡 ar.." Keep saying keep saying..

........>.<" Funny mer? Funny mer? J this morning still remind me to write this post..>.<" I'm an obediant I write loo..

Oh yea, want to know about the restaurant? Click HERE...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

..Button POP OUT..

Oh my god..Oh my god..This is terrible..My button on my pant JUST POP OUT when I sit down !!!!!!!!!


J still said I slim jor I slim jor..Who's know, my stomach scared away the button..

Luckily, my pant got 2 buttons one..So there is another one button still hanging there..Tough hugh..Dear little button, must prop on till at nite oo~ Gambade neh.. Later at nite, I will sew back ur girl friend yea..

I think today I must tarik nafas all the time jor, cannot breath too much as well..PENGSAN !!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

..Good Bye, Sagua..

When I was standard 2, 'Sagua' came to my life..He looks sweet but dark. In my eyes on that age, he was so big and tough, which can carry my family to everywhere. He had a strong heart, which allow him to run fast and peak up powerfully. My whole family like him very much. He was protective too..During rainy days, my family can go any places without worry just under his shelter..

Day by day, Sagua was getting older and started to get sick. He accompanied me to come over KL. I have brought him to work and hang out with friends. However, his health is getting worse and there was couple of time brought to 'clinic'. Everytime he went for body checkup or treatment, my purse will become thinner and thinner.

One day, when I was preparing to bring him back to hometown, he become unconscious..No matter how I started him, he gave me no responses. J helped me to open his body cover, to check on the battery. Battery was in good condition, until I discovered there are something missing in his body..Oh my god !! Someone must have stolen from him.. I have paid RM300 for his missing part..After that incident, I was started worrying his safety every night as he was overnight outside my apartment area.

After few consideration, my parent and I planned to give him a better living by staying with other owner. Finally, my uncle received him as his son. From that day onward, I didn't get to see him..I was missing him ~

Sagua..Be tough yea!! Love you....

..Long Time..

3 months..I was putting my blog aside for 3 months..Of coz, I was not intended to neglect my little diary. Apply for streamyx at the place I stayed is failed since my place is not TM '环头', it was taken my MAXIS worr.. Haiizz..Working at customer site, but don't have internet access. Working at my own office, but don't have internet access as well..What to do..

Finally, now I was in new office..My boss efficiently applied streamyx in the new office and HERE I AM!! Touching and Feeling my diary bloggy again.. How to express my feeling now? It is just like meeting someone you missed so much finally, and inside your mind, there is plenty and plenty of words and stories you would like to share with the someone..

Blah Blah Blah..

Today have to complete the documentation work. So ja ne, my little diary bloggy ~

Friday, January 18, 2008


We seldom look into the sky, are we?
Blue sky with white cloud..

It was taken while I was driving back to my hometown...
The second photo was beating my heart..without any reason..I have captured the beautiful scene created by God..

..C Family..

One day, J was asking me something about music, how a song birth..
So, I tried my best way to explain to her in the simplest way. To make it more understandable, I describe her what is 'C chord'

Actually, C is what we usually sing the 'DO'..Inside C family, there are 3 main member, which is
1) C's father - E. (Elbert)
2) C's mother - G. (Georgia)
3) C itself. (Caryn)
So, they are the basic sound.

Of cause, we need friends around us. Therefore, apart from the basic family member, we can added their friends within them to form a melodic sound.

At last, C will start to pak to with the one who right before her, the B (boyfriend). Now, in C family, besides the 3 main member, B is joining into it and make the C family sound more elegance and soft.

In conclusion, the base of C chord is 'C, E,G' and to make it sounds more different, B will join and become 'C,E,G,B'....

Silent....Pengsan again...It make J more blurred i think..Fu fu fu..


I realized that, some words in cantonese are sometimes funny. It maybe seldom spoke by Malaysian, but it did speak by Hong Kong people in a different way. For example,

In '通天干探', the main character always scolded his girl friend in a funny way, when his girl friend blur blur-ing. He said,
'lei mm hou seng yat da bin lou, sap har sap har ..' *你唔好成日打边炉(steambot),sap har sap har*
It was funny and interesting and it is called '俗语', ermm..If not mistaken..hehe ^.^

Last nite, J and I discover and invented our Malaysian style of 俗语.

'Always eat McDonald, also dono!!'

Haa...Pengsan ~.~